Friday, March 28, 2008

Benefits of free advertising

Do you have something to sell,or a business oppertunity you want to share with the rest of the world?if so there alot of differn't ways to advertise it and get your point across, and all of them offer benefits as well as drawbacks.First off, the major benefit of free advertising is pretty easy to understand,its free. With free advertising you never have to pay a dime to get what you are offering in front of a large audience.For alot of people including myself the fact that they do not have to spend money is reason enough to look into free advertising.Another reason that free advertising is a good choice is because it is becoming more widely accepted across the world.At one point and time many thought of free adverting as nothing more than just spam,I guess this still hold true in some ways.More people are reading free advertisement in the world today than ever before,hoping to find what there looking for.There are so many places to advertise for free you couldn't list them all,just do a google search for free advertising and you will see what I mean.


John Raines said...

thanks for the reminder of free advertising I sometimes get side tracked and forget to take advantage of all the free advertsing available - John Raines - Google Me

Anonymous said...

Your right Mike, if you don't have a lot of money for advertising free is a good way to go. Plenty of choices. Thanks, your blog is great. :)

Wavecritter said...

I agree, free advertising is starting to be much more accepted and taught in our industry...bravo to the post! :)

Wavecritter said...

Free advertising keeps going...and going...and going...Energizer bunny stuff! :)

Anonymous said...

FREE advertising is a great way to get the word out about your product or service. It does take time to get your ads placed, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

Cool Beans!

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